Drip, drip drip.
That old faucet is leaking again or maybe you hear the toilet running. You can remember you fixed it, you just can't remember when; it doesn't seem that long ago. So the real question is should you replace that plumbing fixture or just rebuild it again?
There are several factors that will help guide you through the process of deciding.
First, when was the item made. Old parts are becoming harder and harder to obtain for replacement. If you wait to change the fixture you may have no choice the next time it fails. This may pose a serious problem depending on the time and the nature of the repair. It is better to plan a change out than have to do it right then and there unexpectedly.
Second, if your not in need of a fixture right now you can start browsing the plumbing isle at the local home center and budget for one that stikes your particular taste. When the time comes you can get the fixture you have already decided you want.
Third you can get a fixture from your plumbing professional. They may or may not have the fixture in stock. The advantages of this choice is the plumber will usually guarantee the fixture against defects for at least a year and most new fixtures come with a limited lifetime guarantee.
Whatever you decide, the fact that water is becoming more and more precious should also guide your decision making process. Old fixtures send more water down the drain and that is wasteful and harmful to the environment.
Choose wisely and look for a name brand you recognize and you can get a great fixture that will give you years of problem free service like the one your replacing.
Call me if I can help at (408) 263-8433
your plumber,
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